Przepraszam, że niektóre są w języku angielskim...
"Relationship first"
"(...) ręce, które zamykają się powoli, a otwierają szybko"
Pracuj nad sobą, a z koniem się baw.
Koń nie dba o to, ile wiesz, dopóki nie zobaczy, jak o niego dbasz.
(Horses don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"
Myśl jak koń.
Spraw, by Twoje pomysły stały się pomysłami Twojego konia. Najpierw jednak zrozum jego pomysły.
Żaden koń nie jest wyższy niż jego uszy... gdy jego nos dotyka ziemi.
Konie są bardzo bystre. Nie potrzebują niezliczonej ilości powtórzeń, by się czegoś nauczyć.
Błądzić jest rzeczą ludzką. Jeszcze bardziej ludzkie jest winić konia.
Gdy jesteś w świecie koni, zachowuj się jak koń.
Savvy to wiedzieć gdzie być, kiedy być, dlaczego być i co robić, gdy już tam się znajdziesz.
Nie ważna technika, ważny respekt, jaki za nią podąża.
Nie patrz, gdzie idzie Twój koń. To jego zadanie.
Rób to dla konia, nie koniowi.
Gdy koń mruga, to myśli. Gdy nie mruga to odfruwa.
Im lepiej koń cofa i chodzi bokiem, tym lepiej robi wszystko inne.
Konie wiedzą, co się stanie, zanim stanie się to, co miało się stać.
Twój koń może być tylko tak odważny, jak Ty sam.
Jeśli Twój koń jest dla Ciebie rekreacją, czy możesz sprawić, byś i Ty był dla niego rekreacją...?
Nigdy nie łam obietnicy danej koniowi.
Rzeczy, które Prawdziwy Koniarz bierze pod uwagę, to takie, o których większość ludzi mających do czynienia z końmi, nigdy nawet się nie dowie...
Wcale nie twierdzę, że się nie ściemni, zanim nastanie świt.
(Buck Brannaman o zajeżdżaniu młodych koni)
Wsiadaj na konia w taki sposób, w jaki chciałbyś, by ktoś zakładał ci na głowę kapelusz
/Ray Hunt/
Nie da się pracować nad swoim wyczuciem, gdy jest się zbyt pochłoniętym ślepym podążaniem tylko za technikami.
(Isobel Duncan)
Take the time it takes. (Poświeć tyle czasu, ile dana rzecz wymaga.)
/Tom Dorrance/
The horse is never wrong. (Koń nigdy się nie myli.)
/Tom Dorrance/
Często przede wszystkim sami ze sobą, a nie z koniem, nie potrafimy sobie poradzić.
/Monika Damec, instruktor SNH/
Niewiele jest w koniu chęci do walki, o ile człowiek jej tam nie włoży.
/Buck Brannaman/
Jeśli zamierzasz konia czegoś nauczyć i pozostawać z nim w dobrych stosunkach, to nie zmuszaj go by się tego nauczył, tylko pozwól mu się tego nauczyć.
/Ray Hunt/
Konie akceptują mnie takim, jakim jestem, ale oceniają mnie wyłącznie według moich uczynków.
(Monty Roberts)
A good horse is never bad color. (Dobry koń nigdy nie jest złej maści.)
/Mark Rashid/
"Konie robią tylko trzy rzeczy:
* to, o co je prosimy,
* to, na co im pozwalamy
* to, do czego są zaprogramowane"
/Pat Parelli/
"Jedną z najważniejszych rzeczy by te metody działały dla Was... to musicie kochać konie. Spróbujcie je czegoś nauczyć i spróbujcie sami nauczyć się czegoś w tym samym czasie."
/Buck Brannaman/
"Środkiem do osiągnięcia szybkiego postępu jest powolne robienie postępów; tym, którzy cierpliwie ćwiczą, wszystko będzie dane"
/Ray Hunt/
"Curiosity is the opposite of fear"
Good, better, best, never let it rest. Make your good better and your better best.
"Jazda konna i tańczenie to to samo cholerstwo. To jak proszenie kobiety do tańca. Jeżeli nie masz pewności siebie i boisz się, że ci odmówi, podchodzisz ukradkiem patrząc na swoje buty, to jasne jak słońce, że ci odmówi. Wtedy oczywiście możesz spróbować złapać ją i zmusić do skakania po podłodze, ale w końcu żadnemu z was nie sprawi to przyjemności. TU CHODZI O ZAUFANIE I NIE CIĄGANIE JEJ NA SIŁĘ. PROPONUJE WSPÓŁPRACĘ, A ONA TO CZUJE I IDZIE Z NIM. SĄ W HARMONII I PORUSZAJĄ SIĘ WE WZAJEMNYM RYTMIE, PO PROSTU - NA WYCZUCIE."
/Nicolas Evans "Zaklinacz koni"/
"Żaden koń nie jest wyższy niż jego uszy... gdy jego nos dotyka ziemi."
Presja motywuje, odpuszczenie uczy.
"Show me your horse, and I will tell you who you are."
"If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question or asked the question wrong."
"There are only two emotions that belong in the saddle; one is a sense of humor and the other is patience."
"A good horseman can hear his horse speak to him. A great horseman can hear his horse whisper. But a poor horseman won't hear his horse even if it screams at him."
Make the wrong thing hard and right thing easy.
/Ray Hunt/
"Do your thinking at night so you can have the time to feel during the day"
/Ronnie Willis/
"Recognize the slightest try."
"Don't encourage a horse who's already trying."
"Do less sooner, than more later."
"Remember, your rein isn't on the bit, it's on the foot. You are leading his foot, not his head."
/Ray Hunt/
"Slow and right beats fast and wrong!"
"I don't blame my horse. He's just being the best that he can be in spite of me."
"If we could pour about a gallon of horse into the human and about an ounce of human into the horse, we'd have a good creature, it would be called a horse-man"
"Be as gentle as you can but firm as necessary, be firm without getting mean or mad and be gentle without being a big sissy."
"Exaggerate to teach, refine as you go along."
"Most people never have time to do it right but they've always got time to do it wrong over and over again".
"My goal with the horse is not to beat someone; it's to win within myself. To do the best job I can do and tomorrow try to do better. You will be working on yourself to accomplish this, not on your horse."
/Ray Hunt/
"There are no problem horses, only problem riders."
"The four most handicapping words in the English language: can't, won't, don't, yeah but."
"When you get savvy, what used to become frustrating now becomes fascinating."
"When I hear somebody talk about a horse or a cow being stupid, I figure it's a sure sign that animal has outfoxed them"
/Tom Dorrance/
"Level 3 is level 1 in all 5 zones at phase 1." = "Poziom 3 to Poziom 1 z wszystkich 5 stref i przy użyciu pierwszej fazy"
/Pat Parelli/
"Imagination is more valuable than knowledge."
"Mężczyźni i psy lubią być klepane, kobiety i konie - głaskane."
"It's a lot like nuts and bolts - if the rider's nuts, the horse bolts!"
/Nicholas Evans/
Bądź tak delikatna, jak to tylko możliwe, ale tak stanowcza, jak tego wymaga sytuacja...
Jeśli czujesz, że się pogarsza, nie próbuj kontynuować. Nie przechodź
przez coś złego, próbując zrobić z tego dobre. Przestań i zacznij od
/Ray Hunt/
Observe, remember, and compare.
Make the wrong things difficult and the right things easy.
Let your idea become the horse's idea.
Be as gentle as possible and as firm as necessary.
The slower you do it, the quicker you'll find it.
Feel what the horse is feeling, and operate from where the horse is.
Do less to get more.
Take the time it takes.
The Horse has a need for self-preservation in mind body and spirit.
The Horse is never wrong.
/Tom Dorrance/
Make the wrong things difficult and the right things easy.
Let your idea become the horse's idea.
Be as gentle as possible and as firm as necessary.
The slower you do it, the quicker you'll find it.
Feel what the horse is feeling, and operate from where the horse is.
Do less to get more.
Take the time it takes.
The Horse has a need for self-preservation in mind body and spirit.
The Horse is never wrong.
/Tom Dorrance/
The only constant thing in life is change, and things can change rapidly when your dealing with horses.
One ounce in the rein, two ounces in the leg, 4 ounces in the stick....... and a TON of effort in the mind.
Knowing when to be, where to be, why to be... and what to do when you get there.
Principles, purpose, and time are the tools of teaching.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
When he's thinking, he's blinking, ... when he's not, he's probably hot.
One ounce in the rein, two ounces in the leg, 4 ounces in the stick....... and a TON of effort in the mind.
Knowing when to be, where to be, why to be... and what to do when you get there.
Principles, purpose, and time are the tools of teaching.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
When he's thinking, he's blinking, ... when he's not, he's probably hot.
Don't make or teach assumptions.
Practice doesn´t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
Never ask a trying horse to try.
Expect a lot, accept a little, reward often.
Release pressure at the slightest try.
A horse is like a computer, it won't always do what you want, but it will always do what you tell to.
Practice doesn´t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
Never ask a trying horse to try.
Expect a lot, accept a little, reward often.
Release pressure at the slightest try.
A horse is like a computer, it won't always do what you want, but it will always do what you tell to.
Don't make or let, instead use cause and allow. Know the difference.
“Consistency is the tool of learning, yet variety is the spice of life. Too much consistency is too boring. Too much variety is inconsistent.” – Richard Winter
“Let the horse leave at the pace they want, they will come home at the speed you want.” Cowboy Wisdom
“If a person prepares ahead of time, then he has lots of time to get the job done. But if you wait until the last moment, sometimes it’s too late.” Ray Hunt"
There is only one rule - there are no rules!
Allow your horse time to digest your thoughts.
“Consistency is the tool of learning, yet variety is the spice of life. Too much consistency is too boring. Too much variety is inconsistent.” – Richard Winter
“Let the horse leave at the pace they want, they will come home at the speed you want.” Cowboy Wisdom
“If a person prepares ahead of time, then he has lots of time to get the job done. But if you wait until the last moment, sometimes it’s too late.” Ray Hunt"
There is only one rule - there are no rules!
Allow your horse time to digest your thoughts.
“I could always see the best in a horse. Since I’ve gotten older, I can usually see the best in people, too.”
/Tom Dorrance/
bądź tak delikatna, jak to tylko możliwe, ale tak stanowcza, jak tego wymaga sytuacja...
OdpowiedzUsuńJeśli czujesz, że się pogarsza, nie próbuj kontynuować. Nie przechodź przez coś złego, próbując zrobić z tego dobre. Przestań i zacznij od nowa. Ray Hunt
OdpowiedzUsuńObserve, remember, and compare.
OdpowiedzUsuńMake the wrong things difficult and the right things easy.
Let your idea become the horse's idea.
Be as gentle as possible and as firm as necessary.
The slower you do it, the quicker you'll find it.
Feel what the horse is feeling, and operate from where the horse is.
Do less to get more.
Take the time it takes.
The Horse has a need for self-preservation in mind body and spirit.
The Horse is never wrong.
/Tom Dorrance/
The only constant thing in life is change, and things can change rapidly when your dealing with horses
OdpowiedzUsuńOne ounce in the rein, two ounces in the leg, 4 ounces in the stick....... and a TON of effort in the mind
Knowing when to be, where to be, why to be... and what to do when you get there.
Principles, purpose, and time are the tools of teaching
Say what you mean and mean what you say
When he's thinking, he's blinking, ... when he's not, he's probably hot
Don't make or teach assumptions
OdpowiedzUsuńPractice doesn´t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
Never ask a trying horse to try.
Expect a lot, accept a little, reward often.
Release pressure at the slightest try.
A horse is like a computer, it won't always do what you want, but it will always do what you tell to.
Don't make or let, instead use cause and allow. Know the difference.
OdpowiedzUsuń“Consistency is the tool of learning, yet variety is the spice of life. Too much consistency is too boring. Too much variety is inconsistent.” – Richard Winter
“Let the horse leave at the pace they want, they will come home at the speed you want.” Cowboy Wisdom
“If a person prepares ahead of time, then he has lots of time to get the job done. But if you wait until the last moment, sometimes it’s too late.” Ray Hunt"
There is only one rule - there are no rules!
Allow your horse time to digest your thoughts.
“I could always see the best in a horse. Since I’ve gotten older, I can usually see the best in people, too.” Tom Dorrance
OdpowiedzUsuń"My belief in life is that we can all get along together if we try to understand one another... You'll meet a lot of people and have a lot of acquaintances, but as far as having friends—they are very rare and very precious. But every horse you ride can be your friend because you ask this of them. This is real important to me. You can ask the horse to do your thing, but you ask him; you offer it to him in a good way. You fix it up and let him find it. You do not make anything happen, no more than you can make a friendship begin." Ray Hunt
OdpowiedzUsuń‖Recognize the smallest change, the slightest try.‖ Ray Hunt
‖Let your idea become the horse‘s idea.‖ Ray Hunt
‖Make the wrong thing difficult, and the right thing easy.‖ Ray Hunt
‖Confidence is knowing you are prepared.‖ Ray Hunt
‖The horse is a reflection of the rider‘s ability.‖ Ray Hunt
‖The slower you go the faster you will learn.‖ Ray Hunt
‖You need to have a picture in your mind of what you want your horse to do.‖ Ray Hunt
‖The horse will teach you if you‘ll listen.‖ Ray Hunt
‖If you are going to teach a horse something and have a good relationship, you don't make him learn it - you let him learn it.‖ Ray Hunt
OdpowiedzUsuń‖Ride your horse with your whole body, not just with your arms and legs.‖ Ray Hunt
‖You're not working on the horse, you're working on yourself.‖ Ray Hunt
‖You feel and listen to the horse. The experience of the results of his response helps you understand for the next time.‖ Tom Dorrance
‖In working with people and trying to help them with something, I find it isn't easy for me to get them to work in the area where it seems they need to work. They keep trying to work at the end result.‖ Tom Dorrance
‖The horse may not be doing the thing that is the right thing for what the rider is asking him, but as far as the horse is concerned, he is doing the right thing.‖ Tom Dorrance
OdpowiedzUsuń"You can't teach feel, you have to experience it‖ Bill Dorrance
"The goal of all dressage riding should be to bring the horse and rider together in harmony...a oneness of balance, purpose, and athletic expression." Walter Zettl
"Trust and respect are two-way streets. We want the horse to accept us as leaders of the herd, to guide them safely and to provide protection and comfort. In return, they will give us their respect, and willing submission to our ideas about what to do next, and when and where. But this respect can only be based on well deserved trust." Walter Zettl
‖The more you use your reins, the less they use their brains.‖ Pat Parelli
OdpowiedzUsuń‖A horse doesn't care how mauch you know, until he knows how much you care.‖ Pat Parelli
‖Use your head, not your spurs.‖ Pat Parelli
"Brutality begins where skill ends." Egon von Neindorff
Ktokolwiek dodał te złote myśli, thank u soooo very much :)
OdpowiedzUsuńKaro od Judy